Técnicas e ingredientes de la gastronomía prehispánica de la región interandina ecuatoriana aplicada a la cocina contemporánea
Minchala Aucay, Byron Fernando
Techniques and ingredients of prehispanic gastronomy of the inter – Andean region applied to contemporary cuisine, it’s a theoretical – practical project which is focused on the use of food processing techniques and inputs used by the pre - Hispanic populations of the Ecuadorian inter – Andean region, which will apply in the contemporary gastronomic field, enriching the identity and culinary origin with the intention of keeping alive the cultural and culinary origin.
It presents a study about the culture of the inter - Andean region of pre - Hispanic Ecuador, the gastronomy, and its customs, where different methods of food preparation are evidenced as techniques of conservation of ingredients used at that time, which were used to supply The population in time of scarce.
The present project of intervention gives special emphasis to the food preparation techniques of the pre-Hispanic period, with which it has been proposed recipes combining them with methods of modern cuisine