Propuesta de aplicación de técnicas y métodos de cocción para el arroz de cebada, haba y mashua; variedades autóctonas de la provincia del Cañar
Lojano Sigua, Juan Pablo
Mejía Chillogalli, José Diego
This study aims to present autochthonous products of Cañar province and from the inter-Andean region such as barley, mashua and haba, which have been eaten for generations as the basis of people´s feeding. Therefore, their physical and organoleptic features are presented as well as the appropriate conditios for their production and harvest in order to enhance its consumption at present by giving them new uses and applications through research.
The proposal is to use appropriate cooking techniques and methods for mashua, barley and haba, Andean products that have lost their value since they have been displaced by processed products. This is the reason why sweet and salty recipes with this products were made through research as to get optimal results and proper organoleptic conditions for enhancing its consumption as they have high nutrition values. Additionaly, Mashua has medicinal properties.