La violencia psicológica en el enamoramiento adolescente
Cojitambo Morocho, Jessica Johana
This study aims to know about psychological violence in adolescent infatuation focusing mainly on its causes and consequences, which affect personally, family and social, will also know the risk factors, the effects of psychological violence in the Different social groups, and finally the role of the Family Counselor, intervention strategies and the fundamental role of the family and the multidisciplinary work for the prevention of psychological violence in adolescents. The methodology applied in this study is the analytical descriptive research of a bibliographical character in which facts related to the information contained in works and scientific articles are referred.
The reason for the present work is due to the percentage of women who have suffered violence by their partners, determining that the most frequent form of aggression is psychological, with 43.4% according to the analysis of the results of a survey National report on family relations and gender violence against women held in Quito in 2014 by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC) and the National Council for Gender Equality. The interest to know more about this social problem, so once the bibliographic review was done at individual, family and social level it is also an advance for the professional activity of future Family Counselors.