Cambios hemodinámicos entre laringoscopía rígida y fibroscopía en pacientes de la tercera edad Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso, Cuenca 2014
Peñafiel Vicuña, Cristina Isabel
Layngoscopy and endotracheal intubation are procedures in general anesthesia that can cause significant hemodynamic changes, the same that are tolerable in young patients but in older adults these changes can cause serious cardiac effects such as arrhythmias and acute infarcts.
Objective: To determine the hemodynamic changes in the rigid laryngoscopy and fibroscopía in elderly patients of the Hospital Vincent Corral Moscoso, Cuenca 2014.
Material and methods: a clinical trial was conducted, randomized, single-blind study with 90 patients adults over 65 ASA II, who underwent general anesthesia with endotracheal intubation need with rigid vs Fibroscopia laryngoscopy. It was compared the haemodynamic changes: blood pressure and heart rate in both groups was considered clinically important changes to the increase of 20% of the basal values.
Results: The groups were comparable according to the scale of Mallampati, comorbidity and age. The average time of intubation with the rigid laryngoscope is 9.73 ± 6.22 seconds and with the fiberscope is 24.27 ± 16,58 seconds. These differences are statistically significant, p=0.011. No statistically significant differences were observed between the values of heart rate and blood pressure, values of p>0.05.
Conclusions: There are no statistically significant differences in the parameters of the blood pressure and heart rate when performing endotracheal intubation with rigid laryngoscope or fiberscope. The intubation time is less with the rigid laryngoscopy