Sistema alternativo condominial de bajo costo de alcantarillado sanitario para la comunidad de Salinas, cantón Santa Isabel, provincia del Azuay - Ecuador
Picón Mosquera, Christian Patricio
Sanitation is a fundamental human right for the development of people. In Ecuador,
there are different levels of coverage of this service, establishing considerable differences
between urban and rural areas. In urban areas, the service has been mostly supplied,
however, in rural areas the lack of sanitation systems is marked, mainly for economic
reasons and the territorial organization of rural populations. Circumstances such as
the topography on which these populations settle, the irregularity and low population
density among the main ones, together with a supply of discontinuous drinking water,
make the implementation of a conventional sanitation system (sewerage) not viable.
Therefore, the implementation of an unconventional system makes feasible the provision
of a basic service to populations of adverse characteristics and conditions.
The community of Salinas, belonging to the canton of Santa Isabel, province of
Azuay, Ecuador, has been identified as a community of the indicated characteristics,
which lacks the adequate endowment of basic services such as the distribution of potable
water and the provision of a sewer system. This project aims to design an unconventional
sewer system called condominial sewer that allows flexible implementation
conditions, but also requires strict operating and maintenance conditions detailed in a
manual that helps to the training of the population in the necessary tasks for a correct
functioning of the system.