Incidencia del uso de internet en la orientación del tiempo libre de los niños de sexto año de educación básica de la Unidad Educativa Nuestra Familia
Alvear Machado, María Esperanza
The following study analyzes the incidence of the use of internet on children’s leisure time. To achieve this purpose, the students of the sixth grade from NuestraFamilia School have been taken as a sample, and in order to reach to these conclusions, I have made a research about the concepts of internet, leisure time, pedagogical uses, psychological influence and the e-rights of children, among others.
Due to technological advances and their linking to society in an evident way, Internet gets the dimension of being a right of children, who at the same time confront many risks like: cyber bullying, sexting, grooming, etc. The addiction to the internet world makes children to avoid face-to-face contact, giving as a result, the lost of socialization on real life.
Children can find the above mentioned dangers when using the internet if there are not suitable rules and supervision of the contents that these “web born” have access to. Those rules must be clear, starting from home and to optimize this instrument, the way of teaching must state the bases and guidelines to allow a good level of knowledge, taking always into account the risks implied when navigating.