Optimización del proceso de secado en pastas alimenticias
Aguilar Guncay, Isabel Margarita
The present study, developed at PASTIFICIO NILO, comes from the company’s need to evaluate its present situation in the pasta drying process to establish a more adequate and effective control of this parameters. In order to optimize the drying process we determined the needed parameters (temperature, relative humidity, air velocity and time) as well as an evaluation on of the quality and functionality of the product (humidity in a dry base, humidity in a humid base, water activity).
To reach the established objectives it was necessary to collect data throughout the drying process that. In an early situation the process lasted 43 hours. With the strategic location of 10 sensors in the drying room providing information of temperature and relative humidity, it was determined that the company had been working with substandard drying temps, consequently, the drying time was too long. It was determined that the final product has a humidity below optimum therefore defective; cracked and with unusual color.
Once the actual drying parameters were determined, a follow up of the pasta throughout the whole process mas made in order to obtain the humidity levels to have a better assessment of the drying curvatures to have a more accurate knowledge of the time frame to recommend as an optimum drying time.