Calidad de atención al niño/a de 2 meses a 4 años de edad con la aplicación de la estrategia AIEPI. Estudio realizado en el Centro de Salud parque Iberia. Cuenca-Ecuador
Cando Tenesaca, Lourdes del Cisne
Escandón Rea, Marco Rafael
Merchán, María Gerardina
Larrea Tapia, Delia Marieta
To describe the characteristics of quality
child care in children from 2 months to 4
years old based on the integrated management
of childhood diseases prevalent attention.
A descriptive cross-sectional study; observational
case management of 211 children
from 2 months to 4 years old, who attended
to the medical consultation. The results
were analyzed using the descriptive statistical
percentages method, frequency and
reasons, using the SPSS version 18 and Excel
The evaluation index was 0.84 at the Medical
staff being the optimum value 1 and
0.49 in Nursing; nevertheless, it is the largest
health care provider to fulfill multiple tasks.
The service is characterized by the good
The study allowed describing the quality of
care with the implementation of the integrated
management of childhood diseases
prevalent attention. It was regular because
it is not fulfilled in an integral form by a lack
of training, updating, monitoring and lack of
material and human resources, the request
of the staff and users is that it is fulfilled