Propuesta para el uso turístico de los atractivos naturales del sector la dolorosa, cantón Gualaquiza provincia de Morona Santiago
Patiño Carchi, Mónica Susana
The present monograph work has as objective the elaboration of a proposal toward the development of the touristic resources of the La Dolorosa sector, focused in the nature tourism. For effect, it will analyze the concepts of nature tourism and the activities derivatives of the same; then it will proceed to identify the tourist resources of better exploitation of La Dolorosa sector through an inventory, according to the methodology for the Inventory of Tourist Attractive of the Ministry of Tourism of the Country. And finally, it will design a tour (route) that connects the points of better interest found in the sector.
To achieve the proposal object it will make a bibliographic compilation of documents digitals and / or printed that contains important material for developing of the present research and that contributes to the analysis of the actual situation of La Dolorosa sector respect to the tourism. In addition, a lot it will take into account the participation – by means interviews and surveys- of the community that lives in the sector and of the authorities of different institutions who intervenes in the tourist activity in Gualaquiza City.