Relación entre la seroconversión positiva de vacas holstein a neospora caninum y el aborto, muerte fetal temprana, momificación fetal, gestación a termino y mortalidad neonatal
Maldonado Rivera, Jaime
The present research “Relationship between the holstein cows positive seroconversion a Neospora caninum and the abortion, gestation at end ,early fetal death, fetal mummification, and neonatal mortality” had as objective to determine if there is relationship between the presence of neosporosis bovine and the variables of the study. In order to arrive to the above indicated objective, it was proposed a study of transversal cohort using a single ELISA serological survey to determine the status of the cows. Data regarded to the presentation of events or variables were taken from records of cattle herds belonging to the Southern Highlands of Ecuador, Azuay and Cañar provinces, from which a total of 100 seropositive and 100 seronegative animals were studied over a period between birth and the next reproductive event (calvin-calvin, calvin-abortion; etc.). Chi-square test of Pearson, Maentel and Haenzel were used as statistical significance tests, and Odds Ratio as risk analysis.
The research arrived to the following results: The relationship between abortion and seroconversion to Neospora caninum was highly significant (P=
Dr. Jaime Eduardo Maldonado. Página 4
0.005), being the positive cows 2.73 times more likely to abort than the negative ones. It was determined association between neonatal death and positive seroconversion (P= 0.046), so the positive cow calves have 2.53 times more risk of dying before weaning than calves from negative cows. Regarding to the other variables in study, no statistical association was determined.