Obtención de la disposición a pagar para disminuir la congestión vehicular en las Avenidas: HuaynaCápac, 12 de Abril, Remigio Crespo Toral, Fray Vicente Solano y Américas, de la ciudad de Cuenca periodo 2015
Mejía Zumba, Diego Paúl
Morocho Sigüenza, Jessica Fernanda
The city of Cuenca has been presenting a problem of traffic congestion due to reasons such as increased fleet, poor public transport, vehicles that have outlived their usefulness and continue to circulate, narrow streets in the historic center and deficiencies in the traffic signal system, no further studies have been conducted for the city of Cuenca on this issue. The main objective was to obtain a willingness to pay to reduce traffic congestion in the city of Cuenca in the Avenues of the Americas, Huayna Capac, Fray Vicente Solano, RemigioCrespoToral and April 12, using the Contingent Valuation Method, with the baseline study: "Willingness to pay to reduce traffic congestion in the primary roads in the city of Mexico" by the author Armando Joshua Angel Ramirez in 2005, making a logit econometric model. The main results were obtained: a rate of 14% growth of the fleet, this being a signal increasing problem and a value to pay for each driver 0.42 cents, these revenues can be represented through a toll a source of income so that the current authorities can seek solutions to congestion and is funding infrastructure, providing maintenance or expanding the public good.