Tasa de retorno de la educación para Ecuador un análisis comparativo a partir de tres modelos de capital humano para el período 2003-2011
Escandón Prieto, Florencia Silvana
Ortiz Moreno, Mayra Alexandra
This paper presents a study of the rateo freturn to education for Ecuadorian caseis made duringthe period2003 - 2011using three models human capitaldevelop edby Mincer, Johnson and Arrazolaet. al., for whichwasemployedthedatabaseof the National Surveyon Employment, Unemployment and Un deremployment (ENEMDU), conducted by the INEC.
The estimates were performed using the Stata program, Mincermo del regressions were made using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and the other two models Non linear Least Squares (NLS) was used. The additional contribution of this researchis to obtainthe rate of de preciation of human capital and post-school investment.