Infraestructura basada en Globus Toolkit para dar soporte a repositorios distribuidos de imágenes médicas
Guillermo, Juan-Carlos
Gualán, Ronald
Solano-Quinde, Lizandro D.
Collaguazo-Montalván, Diana
Ramírez-Montalván, Whasintong
La Cruz, Alexandra
Universidad de Cuenca
Dirección de Investigación de la Universidad de Cuenca
Grid computing is a recent and innovative technology; recently it has been used for designing teleradiology systems. Grid computing enables the integration and collaborative use of high performance computers, networks and databases, suitable for developing a teleradiology system. In this work we present a solution based on grid computing for a teleradiology system. This infrastructure allows accessing and exchanging of medical images stored physically located in different repositories like; hospitals and diagnostic imaging centers. Globus Toolkit (v6.0) is used as an intermediate communication program in this grid infrastructure. Images are stored in local repositories managed and handled by servers PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System), usually used in workstations of the medical imaging centers. The main contribution in this paper is the design of a grid infrastructure for searching purposes either semantic or visual content, with greater emphasis on the integration of data security, user authentication while maintaining patient confidentiality.