Prevalencia y factores relacionados a la pediculosis en escolares de la Escuela Alfonso Maria Ortiz, Tambo 2017.
Heredia Zhau, Mayra Elizabeth
Background: pediculosis is a problem of health importance known since ancient times and of common occurrence in the school environment. However, despite being identified and addressed by the various countries in their primary care programs, it continues to be a public health problem with fragmented information regarding prevalence, associated factors, diagnosis and management proposals.
Objective: to identify the prevalence and factors related to pediculosis in children from 4 to 6 years of Alfonso Maria Ortiz School, Tambo 2017.
Methodology: a descriptive, quantitative, observational, prevalence study was carried out, with a finite universe of 150 children aged 4 to 6 years attending the Alfonzo Maria Ortiz School in the months of September - November 2017. The research technique which was used was the observation in the children and the survey in the parents.
Results: The results of the research show 42.7% of positive cases of pediculosis, of these 43.8% of schoolchildren are between 5 years of age, 56.3% are female, with a higher percentage in the rural area with 57.8%. Pediculosis was associated with hair length (long) with 54.7%, regular hair hygiene with 59.4% predominant in black hair with 62.5% presenting signs and symptoms such as pruritus and edema with 48.4%, the location of the louse to more than one cm with a percentage of 43.8%
Conclusions: pediculosis was associated with long hair, hair hygiene, situations that facilitate infection is the sharing of material for personal use and knowledge deficit of parents / caregivers for their treatment.