Control parental en adolescentes según su rendimiento académico en una Unidad Educativa Fiscal de Cuenca
Illescas Reino, José Armando
Sarmiento Méndez, Ana Magdalena
The objective of this research is to relate the dimensions of the perception scale of maternal and paternal control with the academic performance of teenagers. A quantitative, non-experimental type approach of correlational scope with a transversal design was used for the development of this study. This research was done with 184 adolescents, 127 women and 57 men between the ages of 11 and 17, with an age range of 12.62. They belonged to eighth grade (64.1%) and ninth grade (35.9%) of Basic General Education, sessions morning and vespertine, of the Educational Unit "Tres de Noviembre". This is a fiscal urban institution of the city of Cuenca, Azuay Province, Republic of Ecuador.
For the purpose of the present analysis, it was used the perception scale of parental and maternal control for adolescents, developed by Betancourt and Andrade (2008), which consists of a maternal and a paternal scale; the first one evaluates five dimensions: communication, behavioral control, autonomy, imposition and psychological control; the second evaluates four dimensions: communication and behavior control, autonomy, imposition and psychological control.
The outcomes stated that, the students who perceived high maternal and paternal figures in the dimensions of communication, autonomy and behavioral control, showed a direct relationship with high scores. Adolescents, who perceived greater psychological control, both maternal and paternal, are related to a low academic performance. It was also concluded that there was a relationship in the dimensions of paternal and maternal control scales with the academic performance; which means that, according to our study, a student with greater parental control, his or her grades will be higher.