Propuesta de un plan de marketing gastronómico aplicado a los restaurantes de cocina tradicional cuencana caso: El Maíz, Raymipampa y Tres Estrellas
Orbe Jaramillo, Gabriela Nicole
Pacheco Naranjo, Karen Cristina
The loss of culture and appreciation of traditional food has been increasing throughout the years. In fact, there are new trends that have saturated the gastronomic market in the city of Cuenca; this has generated that the promotion of traditional gastronomy is no longer valued by the local market or recognized internationally including tourists who stay in the city.
This is why this research focuses on developing a gastronomic marketing plan to promote the traditional gastronomy of Cuenca applied to restaurants: “El Maíz”, “Raymipampa” and “Tres Estrellas” located in the same city.
The study has a comparative-descriptive scope with a qualitative and quantitative approach; thus, the marketing plan was elaborated based on surveys, interviews and field research; the information was corroborated and attached in order to intensify the promotion of the typical gastronomy of Cuenca.