Methods of collection, extender type, and freezability of semen collected from creole bulls raised in the tropical highlands of Ecuador
2019Registro en:
0049-4747, e 1573-7438
Argudo Garzon, Daniel Ernesto
Galarza Lucero, Diego Andres
Bueno Leon, Hernan Patricio
Iñiguez Gutierrez, Carlos Ulises
Mendez Alvarez, Maria Silvana
Soria Parra, Manuel Elias
Torres Inga, Carlos Santiago
Perea Ganchou, Fernando Pedro
Alberio Null, Ricardo Horacio
This study was conducted to determine the best combination between two collection method and two extenders in the cryopres-ervation of semen from creole bulls adapted to highlands of the Ecuadorian Andes. Sixty ejaculates from three adult Creole bulls were evaluated after collection by artificial vagina (AV) and electroejaculation (EE). Semen samples were split into two aliquots and diluted with a soy lecithin extender (Andromed®; A) or an egg yolk-containing extender (Triladyl®; T) and packed in straws of 0.25 ml with 20 × 106 sperms. Optical microscopy and computer-assisted semen analysis system (CASA) were used to
evaluate semen quality characteristics. The effects of collection methods and extender type as well as its interaction were evaluated by a factorial ANOVA and Bonferroni’s test. Semen samples collected with EE and frozen with T (EE-T) and A
(EE-A) had greater proportion of spermatozoa with optical assessed individual progressive motility (IPM), plasmatic membrane intact (HosT), and lower tail abnormalities than those obtained with AV and frozen with the same extenders (AV-T and AV-A);however, differences were significant only between EE-A and AV-T. CASA assessment indicated that the total mobility (TM)
was greater (P < 0.05) in semen samples diluted with T, although these samples had a greater proportion (P < 0.05) of sperms with local motility (LM) and fewer immobile sperms (IS), than those extended with A. Generally, semen samples obtained with EE or AV and diluted with T seems to be the best option to ciopreserve gametes of Creole bulls raised in highlands of Ecuadorian Andes.