Pancreatitis biliar necrotizante: a propósito de un caso
Crespo Verdugo, Hernán
Ramón Brito, Maricela Susana
Pillco Guaraca, Mélida Cristina
Cabrera Suárez, Gimson Oswaldo
The necrotizing pancreatitis is a severe form of acute pancreatitis, which causes multiorgan failure, with biliary lithiasis being its main etiology.
The description of a clinical case of a 16-year-old patient with abdominal pain of several days of evolution is made. This case and complementary tests are an indicative of acute pancreatitis. Despide of receiving hospital treatment without improvement, the patient is operated surgically. Macroscopic lesions compatible with necrotizing pancreatitis and biliary lithiasis were found. A resection of 60% of the pancreas and a cholecystectomy for vesicular lithiasis was performed. The patient stays in the intensive care unit for antibiotic therapy with a subsequent recovery.