Estudio económico-técnico y optimización del proceso de secado del cacao en grano
Arias Mora, Pablo André
This thesis begins by addressing the shortcomings of the current state of the production of dried cocoa beans. Based on national standards, the criteria to be considered in the fermented cocoa beans drying operationis given and then an economic-technical study of cocoa beans drying operation is conducted, with the purpose so as to optimize the process and to propose solutions and improvements that have immediate and sustainable implementation in practice.
The economic and technical studies of the drying operation involve a material balance in processing and an economic balance. The proposed solutions are based on the studies and the analysis and determination of properties for the drying process, such as the determination of moisture content, the determination of the selling price, the specific surface area for drying, parts per unit of mass obtained after the fermentation, the relationship between the moisture content of fermented cocoa beans and the water activity, and optimum points of cocoa beans drying process.
Among the solutions and improvements, there is the proposal of implementing a solar energy, batch drying equipment; its design is based on the studies conducted and the determined properties; also for its design, the size of the production batch and projections were determined, based on record data provided by the producer of cocoa beans, who represents the stakeholder in the study.