Estilos de liderazgo en las empresas formadoras de la carrera de Administración de Empresas Dual de la Universidad de Cuenca en el año 2021
Peralta Bravo, Claudia Estefanía
Pozo Delgado, Andrés Sebastián
This study identifies leadership styles that predominate on senior managers from
organizations that are dual partners with the University of Cuenca. The information
has been collected through a self-assessment based on leadership styles theory by
Daniel Goleman. The survey was applied through QuestionPro and 119 managers
from 74 companies participated in the research. With this information, it was tested
whether any style predominated in different categories in which companies are
classified: size, capital and, industry. It was found that coaching style was
predominant, but it changed in the size of the company the only category that had
the visionary style predominant in SMEs. Finally, it is recommended to develop the
competencies and skills for leadership in students from the dual partners and general