Situación de la enseñanza musical impartida por docentes de educación inicial de la ciudad de Cuenca, año lectivo 2012-2013: estudio de caso de las escuelas de las parroquias San Blas, San Sebastian, Gil Ramírez Dávalos y El Sagrario
Bustos Rios, Pablo René
This paper work focuses on the reality of teaching music within the context of early education schools at Cuenca city, specifically in the parishes of San Blas, San Sebastian, Gil Ramirez Dávalos and El Sagrario comprise the historic center of the city. It aims to analyze the pedagogical and didactic circumstances in which music teaching children in early education of the twenty schools that make up the study is inserted.
The research is qualitative, as it seeks to establish explanations for the reality of musical education in schools as part of the study. To carry out the investigation has documentary technique in order to collect information on music education theories which are closest to the focus of this research, surveys that apply to 14 early education teachers of the 21 schools parishes belonging to San Blas, San Sebastian, Gil Ramirez Dávalos and El Sagrario, according to the database of the Sub-Department of Education Azuay for information to be conclusive for the purposes of research.
It has been observed that teachers have not adequate preparation to teach music education due to lack of training by the Ministry of Education and the lack of management of the school. We conclude that students have their own musical interests, which often are not covered in the planning of teaching and learning strategies necessary to include that capture the attention of children.