Riesgos de suicidio y factores asociados en estudiantes de bachillerato del Colegio Benigno Malo, Cuenca, 2015
Chaca Cordero, Jessica Tamara
Idrovo Landy, Rossana Carolina
General Objective: To identify suicide risk and associated factors in students of Benigno Malo high school, Cuenca, 2015.
Methodology: This study is a cross quantitative study of suicide risk and associated factors in students of Benigno Malo high school in 2015 in Cuenca city. The information was collected through a test (Beck Hopelessness Scale) and a form that collects several tests that assess associated factors for suicide attempt: dysfunctional family structure, substance abuse (alcohol, snuff, drugs), under school performance, bullying and relationship problems. Data were analyzed and tabulated using SPSS, where the tables and graphs, which contain percentages, proportions, odds ratio, confidence index and p value was performed. The analysis was performed using descriptive and analytical statistics.
Results: Of the 201 high school students, the average age was 16.6 years. With predominance of males (72.6%). Regarding associated factors study, underachievement is associated in 39 times more likely to be at risk of suicide attempt. Dysfunctional family structure is associated in 7.7, relationship problems in 16.3, substance abuse 5.3 and bullying is associated with 0.9 times more likely to be at risk of suicide attempt.