Uso de auriculares y su repercusión en la audición en estudiantes. Unidad Educativa Francisco Febres Cordero. Cuenca. 2016
Arpi Morocho, Jessica Mercedes
Juca Pañega, Johanna Cristina
According to the World Health Organization in 2010, indicate that 1.1 billion adolescents and young people may have hearing loss due to poor auditory habits. For this reason, recommends that daily listening to music with headphones does not exceed 60 decibels and 30 minutes per day (1).
Objective: To determine the use of headphones and its repercussion in the audition of the students of the baccalaureate in the Educational Unit Francisco Febres Cordero. Cuenca 2016.
Methodology: A descriptive study was carried out on the totality of students of the Baccalaureate of the Educational Unit Francisco Febres Cordero in Cuenca. Data collection was done through a survey, with the data obtained were processed in the statistical package SPSS V. 20 and Excel 2010, to finally be subjected to an analysis of frequencies and percentages.
Results: 63% of the study population is male and 37% female. In equal percentage for both genders, 94.5% of students wear headphones and 5.5% did not. 41.5% of participants listen to music through headphones at moderate intensity and 41% at high intensity. 48% of students wear headphones for five days or more, for a time of one hour, 59 minutes. 48% of students have tinnitus. 57.5% of students are aware of the repercussions on hearing using headphones and 47% are aware of preventive measures against the use of headphones. The best known is: Do not listen to music through headphones at high intensities