Determinación toxicológica y biosorción de aluminio en aguas residuales de la industria cerámica
Bermeo Chiriboga, Andrés Sebastián
The study is to show the alternative of removing aluminum and the toxicity generated in two biomodels such as Lactuca Sativa and Artemia Salina using sugarcane husks. It founded a 48% aluminum remotion using sugarcane husks as biosorbent after the first 20 minutes of experimentation; about mathematical modeling it shows that the Yoon Nelson model is the best alternative to reproduce the curve of experimental rupture.
To evaluate the toxicity was used Lactuca Sativa seed showing a 98% germination percentage. The seeds were exposed to a different concentration that were compared with a target of distilled water. For the target the germination percentage was of 100% meanwhile for the rest of the concentrations there was an estimulation in the growing.
With the maximum concentration tested of 377.85 mg/L, it gets the estimulation in the growing of radicle and hipocotyl by 200%. Artemia Salina showed a 82.35% percentage of the sample in the study. These results shows that aluminum can produce estimulation of hipocotyl and Lactuca sativa radicle seeds by making them growing, and the mortality of the sample of Artemia Salina.