Análisis estático no lineal de paredes de ladrillo de las casas de Cuenca
Bravo Heredia, Danilo Francisco
Flores Cevallos, Lenin David
The city of Cuenca is located in an area of moderate high seismic risk, so there is a need for a study and analysis of the buildings that are in it, therefore our project focused on the nonlinear static analysis of two walls - prototype.For a theoretical study of the mechanical properties of both the masonry, as the elements that form, literature studies by several authors in the city of Cuenca it was used.
In this project the failure mode was excluded bending and focused on the failure modes by cutting, in-filled walls and walls with openings.With the information obtained nonlinear models for two walls-prototypewas developed. These models are approximations of concentrated inelasticity for pushover analysis. For the development of this model, a system of springs, where each wall segment was represented by a spring cutting, with the respective physical and mechanical properties said wall segment was used. The maximum lateral resistance of each spring are calculated from empirical equations presented by different authors.
The developed model was implemented in the Ruaumoko program. Through this study the seismic behavior of the prototype walls in terms of the pushover curves are analyzed. In addition, a comparative analysis of walls without openings are held, as well as implemented a model of masonry wall with or without columns confinement.