La regulación de las obligaciones solidarias e indivisibles en el Código Civil Ecuatoriano
Barrera Auquilla, Andrea del Rocío
In this monograph, we analyze the regulation of solidary and indivisible obligations in the Ecuadorian Civil Code.
To adequately approach the issue, we start with the concept of obligations and its elements. Moreover, in virtue that the obligations of plural subjects can be simply joint or solidary, we do a brief reference to the simple joint obligations and detailed analysis of the solidary obligations. Furthermore, because of the obligations in attention the object of the provision can be divisible or indivisible; we do a succinct allusionof the divisible obligation and a thorough study of the indivisible obligations. Finally, we conduct a parallel between solidary and indivisible obligations.
With each segment that makes up the present research, we aim that the reader understands well the topic under study.