Espacio público en zonas de patrimonio débil: regeneración arquitectónico-urbana de la plaza el Otorongo y la plaza del Herrero
Durán Carrasco, María Emilia
Vanegas Cedillo, Natalia Andrea
Underutilization caused by different situations such as lack of connectivity, meeting and staying places, wrong furniture position, etc; creates damage to urban landscape, insecurity in cities, poor community life and even reduces importance to areas of the city that are considered heritage.
Theanalysisthatcarriesoutthedraft of Plaza El Otorongo and Plaza del Herreroregeneration in Cuenca isbased in threeitems:
First, a theoretical basis of the concepts of public space and heritage, specifically the weak heritage which is where the regeneration proposals are located.
Second, the analysis of different case studies around the world using 12 criteria items for public places developed by Jan Gehl, adapted to the conditions required in this study.
Finally, the 12 criteriaapplied in the study places Plaza ElOtorongo and Plaza del Herrero using some questions answered by many urban behavior tools. This methodology is the starting point to improvethe analysis of public spaces in order to regenerate and define new urban designs to provide better conditions for people and the city.