La Uve de gowin como estrategia instruccional para realizar una práctica virtual de laboratorio de física
2020Registro en:
e 2588-1000
Guachun Lucero, Freddy Patricio
Rojas Rojas, Marco Alejandro
Guzñay Padilla, Sonia Janneth
Velez Parra, Jessica Tatiana
This work shows the results of the impact caused by doing the virtual laboratory practice of the topic “the simple pendulum”, through the Gowin Uve instructional strategy, with the students of the fourth cycle of the Career of Pedagogy of Experimental Sciences: Mathematics and Physics from the University of Cuenca-Ecuador. The investigation was approached from a quantitative approach with a descriptive scope, as instruments of information collection a perception survey and a knowledge test were used. The results showed that students through this strategy are those who build their knowledge, become the main actors in their learning process, awakening interest and motivation towards experimental activity in a virtual way. It was also shown that laboratory practices can be carried out using a virtual simulator, this being key to teaching physics today, due to the health emergency facing the country and the world.