| bachelorThesis
Niveles de ansiedad en estudiantes de séptimo año de educación general básica
Bueno Guambo, Jenny Catalina
The presence of anxiety states among schoolchildren has become an issue of analysis that is increasingly generating greater interest due to the repercussions that this situation generates in the normal course of their activities; Of this precept and considering it necessary to have information about how this problem is presented in the students of the city of Cuenca-Ecuador, the research titled: "Anxiety levels in seventh-year students of Basic General Education" was carried out, with the Purpose of determining the levels of anxiety that present the students of seventh year of GBS. The descriptive-relational quantitative study used the Manifest Anxiety Scale in Children CMAS-R of Reynolds & Richmond (1985), which was applied to 65 students from a middle school. The results determined that the majority of students that corresponded to 60% of the investigated ones were placed in a level of moderate anxiety and only 22, 22% were placed in high levels of anxiety, constant that also was replicated in each one of the subscales, There being a predominance of the female sex.