Proyecto de curaduría educativa para la Casa Museo Remigio Crespo Toral
Córdova Díaz, Alejandra Cecibel
The thesis "Educational curatorship project for the Casa Museo Remigio Crespo Toral" has been developed to improve the educational experience of the public and to professionalize the work that is carried out in the educational departments in museums. In this work, we investigate the diverse references in education in museums, necessary to elaborate a project of educational curatorship that is able to create memories that resonate in the visitors. The theoretical basis of the project is found in these referents, which are: the background found in the history of education in museums, the definitions of the work of educational curatorship, the methods for public research, educational pedagogy strategies, tools of museography and mediation strategies in museums. The integration of this knowledge, added to other design methodologies, will make up the following stages: Context, Diagnosis, Purposes, Inspiration, Concepts and Prototypes, which will allow approaching a project more focused on the public and the museum.