Propuesta de anteproyecto arquitectónico para la readecuación y refuncionalización de las edificaciones emplazadas en la zona Toreadora del parque nacional Cajas
Mora Ortega, Stephanie Danielle
Serrano Racines, Mary Isabel
The objective of this paper is to perform an architectural preliminary project for the readjustment and the refunctionalization of the edifications located in the Toreadora Zone of Parque Nacional Cajas, which is based in the lifting of the existent infrastructure in the zone and adjacent areas, in order to proceed with the analysis of each one of them regarding structural ambit, functional, formal, environmental and how they relate with the natural environment, so needs and deficiencies that now exist can be detected. First, a study of an international edification was done (Centro de Visitantes e Interpretacion de la naturaleza del Parque Natural los Calares del Rio Mundo y de la Sima – España) and a national edification (Refugio José Rivas del Parque Nacional Cotopaxi - Ecuador) both located in natural areas, in order to rescue potentialities they have regarding their relation with the environment, the materials used, the functionality of spaces, and others that should be taken into account in the designing process. Finally, an adequate place to exhibit the plates of the UNESCO will be determined delivered to the company ETAPA, so that the visitors observe the great value that this protected natural area has.