Ingesta de calcio en mujeres posmenopáusicas con osteoporosis que acuden a los hospitales Vicente Corral y José Carrasco, Cuenca, 2009
Peña Romero, Diana Verónica
Peralta Morocho, Olga Adriana
Zúñiga Vega, Gabriela del Cisne
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body and is needed in large quantities because it has many properties, being better known for nourishing the bones.
Objective: To determine and establish the intake of calcium in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis who come to hospitals Vicente Corral and José Carrasco of the city of Cuenca.
Methods and Materials: We performed a descriptive study. The sample corresponds to 108 postmenopausal women with osteoporosis who go to hospitals "Vicente Corral and José Carrasco." Be evaluated calcium intake in food consumed daily by each patient by a survey of validated 24-hour recall for 3 days previously determined osteoporosis in postmenopausal women through an axial and femoral densitometry. For the statistical analysis used the software program and SPS FP2 and describe measures of central tendency, mean differences, percentages.
Results: 97.32% of postmenopausal women with osteoporosis have a poor calcium intake. The average calcium intake was 530.18 mg / day, lower than that recommended by oms, while 1.79% of the respondents ate normal amounts of calcium and 0.89% of the people have a high intake. The 65.18% belonged to upper middle socioeconomic status and 46.43% had adequate nutritional status.
Conclusion: In this present study, it has been a predominance of post menopause women with osteoporosis, with ingestion lower than 1200mg/day of calcium, in patients who used to go to the hospital “Vicente Corral” and “José Carrasco”.