Oña y su parroquia Susudel: patrimonio cultural de la nación
Armijos Cabrera, Julia Mélida
This present work of thesis title: Oña and his parish Susudel: Cultural Patrimony of the Nation have as aims demonstrate the landscape, topographical, architectural elements, popular and religious festivals of the canton Oña and his parish Susudel.
Oña as Susudel have countless resources and archaeological remains, which served for the Undersecretary of Cultural Patrimony of the Ministry of Culture, by memorandumNo.MC-SPAT-13-0056-M, on January 29, 2013 will declared Cultural Patrimony of the Nation. The terrain is varied as Oña has small valleys and desert areas over the presence of wetheath land with heights ranging from 400 to 3,700m.s.n.m.m., also having a historical and cultural heritage that is unique and distinctive.
Thus placingtheMarch 28, 2013the boardof the declarationasCulturalPatrimony of the Nationinthe historic centers ofOñaandSusudel, of the Province ofAzuay.Thus demonstratingman's interactionwith natureand bringstangible and intangiblepatrimonyof its inhabitantsvalues.
OñaandSusudelare locatedwithin avastgeographyrich landscape, witha topographysurrounded by mountains,valleys anddesert areasthat favorthe existingcultural landscape.Itsbuilt landscapeis characterizedby the presence ofvernaculararchitectureresulting of construction techniques,which make sensein continuinginteraction betweenpeople, their customsterritoryranging fromancient times.