Diseño de mandalas con la iconografía Cañarí, aplicado a indumentaria urbana
Pizarro Orquera, María Belén
This thesis project is based on the development of mandalas using for its constitution archaeological elements of Cañarí iconography, which will be applied to urban clothing. The first chapter is part of the Prehispanic, with a chronological recount of three archaeological cultural phases Narrío, Tacalzhapa and Cashaloma, a brief approach to the Contemporary Cañar that describes its culture and traditions. In the second chapter an analysis and classification of the Cañarí Iconography is proposed in order to obtain a better study and selection of elements of the iconography, to subsequently apply design processes that allow to create composite forms to develop the different graphics. The third chapter is focused on the History and Origin of Mandalas, where we will discuss the elements that make up their meanings and color psychology applied to mandalas. The fourth chapter will have an approach to graphic urban trends and a homologous analysis will be carried out in relation to materials and printing techniques. Finally, we will refer to the development and design process, where the proposals were organized by the development of the concept, the graphic development, the implementation in the urban clothing and the elaboration of a corporate image, each subject with sub-chapters such as the operation of the design, sketches and chromatic application for the design of the mandalas with Cañarí iconography, central theme of this work