Rediseño de espacios destinados para oficinas de directores de carrera y cubículos de maestros de la Facultad de Artes, en la actual Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Cuenca
Tixi Peralta, José Andrés
The objective of this degree work is to develop a design proposal for the interior space of the current Engineering Faculty of the central
campus of the University of Cuenca, considering the possibility that the administrative offices of the Art Faculty will move to this space.
The design proposal for this location is based on the application of a concept related to art to already planned spaces, which are:
the secretarial spaces, career directors and professors’ cubicles.
The work presented below is structured as follows: 1. Introduction, an investigation that served as a first approach to the design of office spaces, 2.
Analysis, a study of the specific space where the intervention will take place. 3. Design proposal, presenting images in virtual reality, specifications
of construction details and proposed furniture.