Determinación del somatotipo del triatlonista azuayo en deportistas de 14-16 años de la Federación Deportiva del Azuay
Jara Arias, Diego Mauricio
Pizarro Orellana, David Gustavo
The purpose of this study was to describe and establish the typical somatotype characteristics in triathletes men and women, aged 14-16 years of the Sports Federation of Azuay, using two scientific protocols: the Isak Manual (International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry), which establishes standards for measuring the different anthropometric variables (weight, height, folds, diameters and perimeters), taking into account the technical error of measurement (ETM) and; the anthropometric method of Heath-Carter, which provides formulas for the determination and analysis of somatotype through three main components (endomorph, mesomorph and ectomorphy).
Anthropometric methodology was applied to a universe of 27 triathletes, Cadete category, which were divided into groups of 14 men and 13 women; anthropometric variables were measured and recorded in the Training Center for High Performance (CEAR), with prior training by Dr. Fabian Sanmartin medical deportólogo the CEAR, accredited by the ISAK level II.
Anthropometric data were entered into a software, the same that was developed by the systems engineer Diego Abad member of the Supercom, with advice from the authors of the research. The result of the determination and analysis of somatotype universe of study was a general trend towards a meso-ectomorph somatotype in most triathletes men and a meso-endomorph predominance in women, due to the characteristics of his adolescence features.