Análisis estructural de la Sonata en Re menor de Mijaíl Glinka y la Pasacaglia de Rebecca Clarke
García Toledo, Luis Carlos
This research shows a close and brief study of the history of the viola, evolution, importance, features and genres written for the instrument. This work also aims to make a structural analysis of two works for viola. In the development of this thesis has chosen scores belonging to two periods of the History of Music: The Romantic (Sonata in Dm Mikhail Glinka) and the Twentieth Century and (passacaglia of Rebecca Clarke) since they are of great importance for being considered periods where the violation takes more boom and relevance.
In particular, this analysis provides the basis and the technical and theoretical basis for the study and approach to the works mentioned. In addition to achieving a proximity to the demands made by the composer.
The synthetic analytic, inductive deductive, logical historical and empirical level: the project for the development of scientific research methods of theoretical and applied.
The thesis has an introduction which presents the theoretical design and methodology used is explained; three chapters for the development of research and a complement where a comparison with the statement of Pythagoras, conclusions and recommendations are made.