La tradición oral en la comunidad de San José de Balzay, parroquia Sinincay, cantón Cuenca
León Maldonado, Diego Fernando
The present investigation was carried out in the community of San José de Balzay, Sinincay parish of Cuenca and includes a descriptive and analytical approach of different types of cultural manifestation. The main purpose of the research is to collect and analyze stories, myths, legends, sentences, sayings, tongue twisters, clusters that are present in the place and that have been transmitted through language by other generations, which have a relevant value in their meaning and in its content both for those who transmit as well as those who host. This is known within cultural anthropology as oral tradition. It is also studied as part of intangible cultural heritage that has certain characteristics that is not given in every cultural manifestation. In addition, starting from a physical location and description of the place is also done to the population, as well as community parties that are also expressions of their cultural identity.