Manejo del paciente hipertenso en el consultorio odontológico: una revisión narrativa de la literatura.
Andrade Coronel, Kelly Tamara
Arenillas Montoya, Anabelle Melany
Introduction: Arterial hypertension (AHT) is defined as persistently elevated systemic arterial blood pressure (≥140/90). Oral manifestations are very frequently related to the use of antihypertensive drugs. A large number of hypertensive individuals present to the dental office daily, and their condition and management should be clear to the dentist.
Methods: The search was performed in databases such as: MEDLINE / PubMed, SCOPUS, Hinari, Cochrane and Google Scholar. Original articles, case series and systematic reviews were included without restriction of language or year of publication.
Conclusions: Regular dental care and the knowledge of the professional is important when approaching a hypertensive patient, these patients may present oral manifestations associated with the use of antihypertensives, when performing dental treatments, local anesthesia with vasoconstrictors is not an absolute contraindication, as it can be used in safe doses for patients with this condition.