Historia del ocio en la vida cotidiana de la Cuenca urbana entre 1950 a 1980
Vera Cabrera, Juan Fernando
Fienco Cuadrado, Francisco Aníbal
Everyday life is what we do every day. Thus, an essential element for understanding the ordinary turns out to be leisure, which is understood not as idleness, but as a time for oneself, regardless of the activities one carries out. Under this conception, leisure should be understood as the search for eternal freedom, as was seen in ancient Greece. It is indispensable, therefore, to say that leisure and work were not separated, on the contrary, work was a condition for the development of leisure. However, the capitalist logic made work separate from leisure, to make the poor poorer and the richer richer.
On the other hand, in the local historiography, leisure is a secondary subject, therefore, it is indispensable to speak of a history of leisure in daily life, in this case of the urban Cuenca between 1950 and 1980. In this period, the city went through an economic crisis with the fall of the toquilla straw hat, grew in population due to strong migration and became industrialized. Then, under the documentary methodology of archive and oral history by means of interviews, a history of free time was recorded, to talk about traditional games, motor racing, cinema, theatre, football, music, television, radio and traditional festivities; at a time when craftsmanship and technology began to converge.