Valoración físico-química y fitotóxica de las aguas residuales depuradas/regeneradas destinadas al riego agrícola. Revista de toxicología
Pérez Donato, Jo A.
Delgado Díaz, Sergio
Vera Cabezas, Luisa Mayra
Bravo Sanchez, Luis Ramon
González Cabrera, Ernesto
The most widespread application of reuse of treated /
reclaimed domestic wastewater is agricultural irrigation. The
common regulations on quality of reclaimed water for reuse
contemplated physicochemical and biological parameters to
minimize health risks, but rarely taken into account phytotoxic
parameters that may be limiting for agricultural applications.
The physicochemical and phytotoxic parameters change to advance
the degree of purification / regeneration of wastewater, so it is of
interest to know what stage of the installation provides adequate
water for irrigation. This paper presents a correlation study of
phytotoxicity with physicochemical parameters in water samples
taken at the end of each of the stages of conventional treatment of
domestic sewage, including biological reactor activated sludge
treatment and tertiary sand filtration, chlorination, filtration cartridge
and desalination by electrodialysis reversal. In each sample was
measured. Chemical oxygen demand, pH, conductivity, organic
carbon, total phosphorus, soluble proteins and ions of Na, K, Ca, Mg,
B, F and Cl criteria phytotoxicity were evaluated by Lactuca sativa
biomarker.Results showed significant reductions in physicochemical
parameters of electrodialysis process, while the effects of
phytotoxicity showed reductions in the processes before the final
stage of electrodialysis.We conclude that the physico-chemical,
together with the biomarker parameters are aspects of practical
interest that relates the type of treatment with physical-chemical