Transformaciones teóricas-procedimentales en la producción artística de la Carrera de Artes Plásticas Universidad Técnica de Machala
Peñaherrera Pereira, Erwin Fernando
This study is a brief round of critical-analytical nature through the artistic production of the Plastic Arts career at the Technical University of Machala, a public institution located in the south of Ecuador. The objective of the present article is to show the changes in the conception of the artistic object by students enrolled in the aforementioned career. The methodology applied was the bibliographical revision and the introspective-experiential method, the last one is considered a method of artistic research, since it opens a range of possibilities to us in the level of the creation of the work of art, which brings us closer to the symbolic constructions resulting from the artistic experience that a person lives in the creative process. As a conclusion, this article infers that the artistic dynamics is undergoing renewal through the groups of artists who have been trained in the Plastic Arts career, and many new values that confront reality with an innovative discourse that has generated debates and questions. As a result, art achieves the construction of new artistic imaginaries that agree with Ecuadorian Nation-State demands, which shows a healthy contribution to increase the local symbolic capital with a global perspective.