Actividades turísticas que demandaron los jubilados Estadounidenses residentes en Cuenca-Ecuador, 2012
Simbaña Sánchez, Yuleisy Mishell
This study is an analysis of tourist activities utilized by American retirees living in Cuenca, Ecuador during 2012. It was based on fieldwork with a sample of 340 surveys. It analyzed the demand for tourist services that are recognized as tourist activities in Article 5 of the Law of Tourism in the Republic of Ecuador. This study had two parts: the first, sought to establish if American retirees utilized tourist services in the city in question, and the second, was a discussion of the definition of Residential Tourism. The results of the study established that 30% of American retirees utilized food and beverage services, as well as complementary activities, including shopping, cinema visits and cultural attractions. As a conclusion, it was determined that 26% of the sample represented American residential tourists living in Cuenca.