Factores asociados a la depresión en el adulto mayor institucionalizado
Silva González, Marlene Maritza
Vivar Vásquez, Valeria Priscila
Objective: Identify factors associated with depression in the institutionalized older adult. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study of mixed character, the case study method was also used. Population: 8 elderly institutionalized in the Gerontological Foundation Plenitud of the city of Cuenca. Instruments such as the Geriatric Depression Scale Yesavage (GDS), observation guide (Q-LES-Q) Loneliness Scale for the Elderly (IMSOL-AM), medical history, semi-structured interview, Inventory Stories losses, were applied. The independent variables were studied: Loneliness, adaptation, reason for admission. It was made a Bivariate analysis of depression and the independent variables. Analysis by percentage, association (chi-square p) in SPSS 22 and ATLAS.ti programs.Results: The prevalence of depression obtained in this study was 50%, this percentage obtained 25.0% mild depression, 12.5% moderate depression and severe depression 12, 5%. Associated factors such as: loss of roles, dependency status, lack of emotional support networks, the presence of dysfunctional patterns and comorbidity with processes of unresolved grief favor the emergence of depressive symptoms in older adults. It was found also that the three independent variables are predictors of depression as explained 85% variance of the dependent variable levels of depression (R2 = 0.85).