Respuesta del estrés al uso de electro eyaculador en carneros con y sin tranquilizante: evaluación de calidad seminal, congelabilidad y parámetros hormonales
Ulloa Ramones, Luis Alejandro
Actually the techniques most frequently used in the collection of ram semen for
preserve the genetic material either for reproductive or conservation reasons
are: Artificial Vagina (AV) and Electroejaculator (EE). Regarding EE, there is
concern in the scientific community about the stress that can generate the use
of this technique in animals and therefore affect their well-being. There are
previous scientific researches on this subject, some used tranquilizer and others
did not. The aim of this investigation was asses the stress response by the use
of electroejaculator in rams treated with and without tranquilizer on the quality
and freezing of semen and hormonal parameters. We studied the semen of four
sexually mature Corriedale rams, between 2-3 years of age, with weights
ranging from 60-90kg. In a treatment, xylazine (2%) was administered at doses
of 0,05mg/kg of ram weight and in the other treatment no tranquilizer was
injected. Eight collections per animal were performed, four with each treatment
and the qualitative-quantitative characteristics of fresh and post-thawed semen
were analyzed. To determine the hormonal parameters (cortisol and
testosterone) blood samples were taken at three times: 20 minutes before,
during and 20 minutes after EE application, hormone levels were measured by
ELISA. Statistically significant differences (P <0.05) were found in the volume,
concentration, percentage of live spermatozoa and in post-thaw motility, being
higher in the tranquilizer treatment, so we conclude that administration of
xylazine prior to EE proved to be effective in the analysis of these variables.