El derecho a recibir resoluciones motivadas desarrolladas por la Corte Constitucional, mediante resoluciones de acciones extraordinarias de protección
Pulla Morocho, Ricardo Sebastián
In all societies it has been an important necesity for people to acquire personal decisions motivated by people that represents them or are in power. Presently, the imperfection in the art and the training of judges and courts when making an infinite number of judicial judgments, wich can be well or poorly motivated, affected by both an unlimited number of people, either their assets or even their honor.
Following the enforcement of the Constitution of the Republic in 2008, a new guarantee of Special Rights called protective action is incorporated, designed to protect due process and costitutional rights are violated in judicial rulings issued by judges and courts in their judicial activity, with the motivation of these rights often violated. In this paper it establishes what is the thesis that the Constitutional Court has developed on the motivation and the three comprise requirements which are explained: reasonableness, logic and comprehensibility; so that in this way society knows this warranty and can fully exercise their right to defense in a timely fashion.