Frecuencia de transferencias hacia prestadores externos de pacientes que acudieron a emergencia del Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga y sus principales causas durante el año 2015
Pillco Contreras, Denisse Tatiana
Salinas Rocano, Diana Jacqueline
Background: The Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga is a third level, educational, regional and national reference hospital. Thanks to the system of references, patients are sent from this towards external providers when they do not have problem-solving capacity to meet needs in health.
Objective: determine to frequency of transfers to health providers external of patients that came to emergency of the Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga and their main causes during the year 2015.
Methodology: A research descriptive type was undertaken. The universe were the stories clinical of patients transferred from emergency of the hospital. Information was collected on a form, the data processed in Microsoft Excel using absolute frequency and percentages represented in tables.
Results: the frequency of transfers of emergency to health providers external was 2.1% (n=}300). The majority of patients had active insurance with 45% (n=135), prevailed the age ≥ 60 years with 48,35% (n=145), the predominant sex was man with 53.7% (n=161) and marital status married with 51.3% (n=154). 56% (n=168) of the patients were transferred from clinic, pulmonary diseases were the most frequent with 22.3% (n=67); and 76.7% (n=230) of the transfers resulted by the lack of bed.
Conclusions: The frequency of transfers was 2,1% (n=300) and the main cause was the lack of bed. Is necessary to perform a remodeling project, expansion and equipping of existing infrastructure and increase the number of beds in requesting services in the José Carrasco Arteaga Hospital