Diseño del proyecto ejecutivo del parque central de la parroquia rural Sidcay
Carrión Bravo, Irene Valeria
Bravo León, Gabriela Mercedes
Sidcay is one of the oldest rural areas of Cuenca. The population maintains its own customs
and traditions that are developed in public spaces and are transmitted from generation
to generation, which characterizes the place and provides it with a high cultural value.
The efficient design of a public space positively influences the quality of a population, so the
present research aims to carry out the architectural urban design of Parque Central de Sidcay.
The investigation is developed in 4 stages: The first one consists of an approach of the
theoretical bases of design, use, and function of public space. The second stage is a
diagnosis of history, background, and needs of the place, and population to determine the
design criteria. In the third stage, study cases determine similar characteristics with the area
to be intervened. In addition, they comply with the design strategies previously defined.
Finally, the fourth stage is the architectural project arising as a result of the early analysis.