Evolución histórico musical de las bandas de pueblo: Santa Cecilia, ciudad de Piñas, Superior y Buenaventura, en la comunidad del cantón Piñas, provincia de El Oro, desde el año 2005 hasta el año 2012
Sarango Castillo, José Luis
This research entitled "Historical Evolution of musical town bands: which names are “Santa Cecilia", "Piñas City"," Superior" and "Buenaventura" in the community of Piñas village, province of El Oro, since 2005 to 2012. The goal is to know what has been the history of Piñas musical bands, and to establish the influences on the community. The guideline is qualitative-quantitative, library research, field research and oral testimony. All this let us to amplify the un derstanding and approach to nostalgia, looks, stories and reports that are engraved in the memory of people from Piñas town, transferred into customs and traditions that still are retained and they are heritage of the cultural identity of people from Piñas town, such as the town Bands, each band with its own musical style. The population sample consisted of members of the bands and 394 Piñas inhabitants, who were applied interviews and respective surveys, which after being classified, analyzed and tabulated, allowed to obtain the results and an analysis in which checked the hypothesis, which allowed us to make findings and recommendations required.