Características clínico-patológicas del cáncer de próstata, Instituto del Cáncer SOLCA, Cuenca, período enero 2012- junio 2017.
Aroca Carpio, Christian Sebastián
Espinoza Miranda, María Emilia
Background: nowadays prostate cancer is considered a public health issue. According to the last WHO report in 2012, prostate cancer is the fourth most frequent type of cancer, being the fifth cause of death among the male population worldwide. In Ecuador, it is the first cause of death by cancer in men, with a rate of 49 per 100.000 inhabitants.
General objective: determine the clinicopathological characteristics of the prostate cancer.
Methodology and materials: the descriptive study encompasses the medical histories of the prostate cancer diagnosed patients who were treated in the Cancer Institute (SOLCA) in Cuenca from January 2012 to June 2017. First, a systematic review of the prostate cancer patients’ medical histories was held. Second, the resulting information, collected through a questionnaire made by the authors, was analyzed with the software SPSS 22.0 and Microsoft Excel 2016.
Results: in all 335 studied cases, the average age of prostate cancer is 71 years old. The most common histological type was the acinar with 99.4%. The 54.64% of patients presented a stage IIC. The bilateral affection is present in 72.8%. In the Gleason categorization the 73.73% was moderately differentiate. The patient’s body mass rate was pre-obesity with 45.97% of the men.
Conclusions: The prostatic cancer is the second most frequent among men, in the majority of cases it is diagnosed in an early stage, where the tumor is inside the prostatic gland, allowing a proper treatment and a favorable prognosis.